Programming Languages: Python, C, Machine Learning, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Assembly.

tools: Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, Microsoft Excel, Powe BI, Visual Studio, Sublime text, Figma.

Libraries: Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Sci-kit learn.

Red Wine Analysis Project

Built an analysis model using python, machine learning and machine learning algorithms, to analyze the quality of red wine based on the chemistry of the red wine. Implemented a regression model using advanced statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms, leveraging libraries such as scikit learn, pandas, and NumPy. Then I Created and delivered a compelling presentation showcasing key findings

Gold Price Prediction Project

Built a prediction model using python and machine learning algorithms, to correctly predict the price of gold by analyzing gold price data and identifying factors influencing its movement. Then I developed a random forest regression model to predict future gold prices based on the insights provided. leveraged libraries such as Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib.

Finance Website Development

Collaborated with a team of 3 young professionals to develop a user-friendly website aimed at enhancing budget capabilities. Developed a website using SQL for the data management, JavaScript for interactivity, HTML and CSS for the UI, Python for the Backend Logic, all hosted on AWS. Then we Presented the finance app prototype to a panel of judges, highlighting its features, functionality, and potential impact on personal finance management.

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